Research and insights by Jonathan Walker
Striving to understand the full scope of the American financial experience
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Student Debt & Credit Scores: Data from the Center for the New Middle Class finds that student debt has lasting impact on financial stability.
Inflation Makes a Splash this Summer
Americans Feeling the Sting of Inflation in Gas, Healthcare Costs
Women’s Finances during COVID: Prime vs Non-prime Consumers
We Need both the Government and the Free Market
Medical Costs during COVID: Prime vs Non-prime Consumers
The Unintended Consequences of Interest Rate Caps: An Interview with Amir Fekrazad
Millions of middle-class Americans paid less in taxes this year, but still got a nasty surprise this tax season
How You’ll Overspend this Holiday and Why Deals and Discounts May Be Costing Holiday Shoppers
College Tuition: How Non-prime families cover college tuition
Only 39% of Non-Prime Women Believe They Have The Skills To Manage Their Finances
The following are some of the reports of the Survey of American Household Finances (formerly the “non-prime tracker”):
The Inflation Squeeze; Q3 2022
Uncertainty Abounds; Q2 2022
Beginning to see Inflation; Q1 2022
Financial insecurity, resilience, and optimism; December 2021
Persistently struggling with unemployment and daily expenses, but confidence grows; July 2021
Signs of optimism; June 2021
How things changed since the pandemic started; April 2021
Changing fast and stimulus checks; February 2021
Comparison of prime and non-prime during the first year of the pandemic; December 2020
Impact of the shut-downs; November 2020